These are the writings of a man with whom i shared a life for nearly thirty years...This is a tribute to his generosity, love, strength and support over those years...Rosamaria Melendez Valencia

Pols Writings copyright © 2003 L.X.Valencia 

A Collection of Writings, Meanderings, and Humorous Efforts by Leopoldo Xavier Valencia
Thank you for all the fun...
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Life begins wiith laughter and cries filled with joy
No one has the right to state that which will annoy
Abundantly a surplus of dreams and other wishes
Words that are inspiring; delighting decadent dishes
Lavishly spending time to travel distant lands
Together trusting each other's desires; forever holding hands

Love transcends valleys pouring vibrantly through springs
Beneath the radiance of a rainbow; capturing sunlight in between
Reflections shine so brightly amid lights of different hues
Romantic scores of music from orchestras we choose
Now to voice; a serious choice; in everything we say
Our lives entwined, keeping in mind; good thoughts along the way


is wordless and daunting as a sunrise
with no light and dark clouds that contain no

A separation pierces and looms about in
dischord as it silently surrounds two souls. No
melody yet a constant rhythm beating 
against a vacuum where once harmony filled the

Love is crazy; it's light, dark, fanciful,
smiles, tears, joy, laughter, jealousy, anger,
sharing, caring and giving. There's little
resistance when the destiny is shared by two and
feeling like a union. 

Our growth was a union; but the struggle began to
wane. Too much outside interference became more 
prominent than our relationship could bear and
unbeknownst to us, whilst we still continue to
love eachother, our passion and strength of that
romance left us outside looking in. 

No blame to either side. We've become adults in
the true sense of the word. Mature, open-minded
and candid. Our separation has been an awakening
and a time to immerse ourselves into a a new awareness and a new
beginning; whatever that may be. 

Wishing you the very best whilst never losing
sight of yesterday, you are free.


Pitter-patter; cloudbursts of rain poured down
Beating heavily on rooftops and all around
Animals sought shelter in an attempt to flee its path
As humans looked from their windows to witness this wrath
The dark skies prevailed throughout the night
Giving way to beautiful dark blue hues at morning's light
Bemused by the cold seen through frosty panes of glass
Shall not dampen the spirits of our gossip-geriatric class

Sir, can you see your way to feeding a fellow American to a meal?

In all my life, I've never witnessed such impudence! This morning in front of a bar I gave you a peso, then when I was getting
my shoes polished and now you ask again. Here (hands him 2 pesos). Take this, and from now on ask somebody else!

Look, Dobsy, I don't wanna have to tie you up each night 

I bet you fall asleep before I do .

Válgame; pos tienen una raya asina cruzada con otra, . . .

No, señor! Se equivoca! Estas tienen media luna. ¡Estos son los bandidos!!!!!

Listos; Apunten; Fuego!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Come on, Howard, . . .let me in on it; what's so funny?

Curtin, my boy, hahahaha, the gold has found itself back to where we got it, . . . in the mountains hahahahahahaha
Call it fate, the Lord, or whatever you will; but, . . . 

With stories to lighten the stresses each time

Pat's way of looking at things is sublime

She looks toward the humour that causes great laughter

Urging her friends to partake hereinafter

A rich man at B-Park found her quite amusing

Gave her the option of Aukland if she chooses

"I have a month to decide" said my dear old friend, Pat

He's younger than she, what do you think about that? 

Ataractic symmetry within these walls sublime 

An act of faith inspiring, twelfth hour lacking time

The mood is often whimsical, great lengths to carry on

My dreams, plans, hopes and wishes surround me all night long

Forever in the mainstream inviting friends at will 

To visit One Great North Road, majestic on top of St. John's Hill 

Immersed into memories that envelope our being

Doubts and obscurity reigning supreme

Incongruous actions where peace was the strength

Oblivious abandon evolves to that length

Leaving a mark burrowing deep in our soul

Fleeting thoughts of distrust renders us cold

Awakening echoes of verses long past

Helped us before to heal in contrast

Mending the hurts that once stood in our wake

Displaying the good in the give and the take  

Never to lie, but expanding the deed

Of true love so noble to capture the need

And deep in our conscience we know what is just

As we take steps for the future and regain the trust

Uncanny Peception
Dynamic delusions dispensed in dreams
Viable visions of visits are seen
Preternatural occurences out of the blue
Captured in seconds and always so true
The persons and scenes that come into view
Reflect mirrored illusions for a real dejà-vu

Apreciando Ahorros
Armando ahorraba alcancías aruinadas
Aprobando adornos adecuados aquí
Antes Alicia apreciaba aquellas armas
Ahora anduvo alzándolas allí

Después de declarar dominio 
Don Diego duró decir
Dedico dos días de déudas
Desde Durango donde dormí 

Pain from distress is like a long link of chain
Rattling one's nerves to a point of disdain
The flu is a cold with congestion to bear
Breathing is shallow as the lungs yearn for air
Pills may relieve these kinds of aches
Just try to swallow and see if it takes

A Family Tree

Out in the yard on a fruit-bearing tree
Grows a citrus-tasting joy that is grafted from three
Lemon, grapefruit, orange a sensational comprise
Three fruits in one and what a surprise
Freshness so delightful, thirst-quenching, sweet
Rolling round your mouth is this succulent treat
Vitamins abound in this golden regal sphere
A ruby red colour is what appears
Juicy and delicious out of every squeeze
A large pitcher equates to eight of these
One by one each is picked for that purpose
On every branch there seems to be a surplus

The spectrum radiates reflections in my mind

A labyrinth of thoughts not quite defined

Through pensive moments I yearn to understand

Not always absorb the wisdom that's at hand

The rainbow colours vibrant messages to comprehend

Some not as clear as others just a blend

Turmoil resounds like thunder amidst a cloudless sky

I pray I attain the knowledge before I die

Winter is spread, by a willowy thread, of dank and brittle cold
Congealed in frozen stillness; stark barks on trees stand bold
The smoothness of snow, exclusively shows, flakes glistening in the light
Animal packs, burrow deep blue tracks, as seen in the moonlit night
In the distance, no breath nor existence, dominates this picturesque scene
As an Icicle hangs, from the constant change, of moisture dripping a steady

Spring forges through, with variant hues, sirenely awakening nature
The vanishing grey, lingers on into May, resulting in its own departure
Upon elegant beds, bright yellows and reds of flowers with droplets of dew
Beneath high pointed peaks, these tall mountains seek, bright cloudless
skies of blue
With showers at stake, there's little mistake, of the rainbow that's arched
As colours unfold, like platelets of gold, effervescing this wide open

Summer evokes, the fervent stroke, as heat warms the vast open plains
Surrendering life, to months of strife, and harshness on an open terrain
Showers of light, swept in day or night, in shadows; not as hot, but not
Shelter reduces the sun that abuses all life, which seems very cruel
Sand burns as well, can inflame or swell, one's feet or wherever it strikes
Soothing solution is to refrain from exposing oneself to this plight

Autumn's soft rich colours; rusts, golds and others; woven into a carpet of
Over lawns and streets; equally deep; standing as beacons, in trees
This draws much delight, on a clear starry night, as clouds are feathery
Increasing winds, bend many limbs, but trees will stand still; do not fear
The scarecrow's sight catches, orange pumpkin patches and crows from these
meadows are seen
By children who've dressed up, in costumes and makeup, and
trick-or-treating; . . it's Halloween!

Southern skies stream sinking sunsets

Swiftly Soothing slumbering sighs 

Soaring seagulls swooping seaward  

Submerged soles swim swiftly shy

Symmetry sustains shadowy shores 

Surging shades so softly sweet

Supreme subtleties sternly shower

Stealthly silent stepping sheep

Summer solstice somberly surrenders

Sublime scenes soon succomb 

Sweetest serenades surround serenely

Surreal sounds seldom sung

This House, . . . a Dream

Whirring through a tunnel like spun glass on velvet
The twilight of my dreams prevail it
Night transcends the darkness within that space
Evoking a sense of quiet serenity on my face
Splashing colours weaving through the prism on a wall
Some quite brilliant others fading as night falls
Sweet symphony a Brandenburg or Waltz
Emitting sounds of melodic tone that calls
The absence of the tears grows dim
And in its place laughter reaches in
To set the stage where roses grow
Separate gardens in a row
Distinctly, . . . herbs and fruit encompass this abode
The house on the hill; One Great North Road

Lectures of knowledge peak interests to many
Ideas spark questions from the beginning
Enduring, yet interesting, inspiring events
Impose on one's time through other's talents 
Words expressed bring forth profound thoughts
Examples and strengths forever sought 

With the awakening of spring, snow thawed and
gave way to the rushing streams. Upon its apron,
fishes flowed and the glistening droplets enabled
the flora and fauna to emerge. In its wake, two
seedlings wrestled with the elements and as the
seasons hastened by, they stood romantically
entwined and observers of their own paradise.
They assisted in the growth of their neighboring
pines; but, one day, a new season came upon them,
and the branches that held them together had
ebbed away. Each was searching for the
nourishment that would make them strong again. 
Alas, darkness gave way to light and happiness
soon prevailed. Not all the pines in the forest
were happy; but the closer ones nodded in
approval and remained as friends for life.
Where ever we are, we'll always be together

Lights and Shadows
As it reaches the peak hour of night
Darkness removes all subtleties of light
Yet images remain vivid remnants of one's mind
Through scenes captured in a moment of time
Entranced with illusions that consume our sleep
Worries diminish without a peep
Sketches are revealed in a series of themes
Of lights and shadows displayed in our dreams

The condition of laughter brings much relief

Dispelling problems that cause us such grief

Newspaper comics or clowns in a circus

Distract our minds with a distinct purpose

Smiles emerge through the wrinkles of worry

No longer the need to be in a hurry

Lights and Shadows

Bold shadows that colour our lives
Render each action without compromise
In dreams we're provoked to proclaim
The little we knew of that subject or game
Following paths patterning our existence
Those who succumb, show little resistance
Implications are solid; bereft by discourse
Vaguely remember the person or source
Confined by each thought as it fills our minds
What's construed provokes but remains undefined.
The years that ensue are the ones to behold
Cherished by love with treasures of gold

"Remembering Our Soldiers"
Looming weaves of quilted themes
Covered in patches from sewed up dreams
Stitched together piece by piece
Lengths of yardage without a crease
Colours fading; washed in dyes
Many hues amid ladies' cries
A blanket of art made with working hands
Our beloved soldiers fighting in other lands

It seemed so absurd, what the Chinese heard
Were explosions from so far away
What they were seeing, were flames from New 
And a light-show on display 
Volcano eruptions without interruptions
Left lathering lava cones
It seemed little trouble, as hot magma bubbled  
Turning it to pumice stones
Many years after, an artisan crafter
Decided to take them apart
Her public observed, her talent was served
Making her own style of art 
The creations were endless, to many, tremendous
Preying upon them like vultures
Out on the lawn, from sunset to dawn
She formed them into lovely sculptures 

Early Life
Fossilized crustacians on shells that date back
To a time when some creatures in the sea would attack
Mortality issues had not yet been construed
Thus, man in his element would triumph or lose
When hunger warranted a strong signal or mood
His skills and technique were used to hunt food
Shells found on sea shores were made to good use
As a soup bowl or cup and from many to choose
Determined to search for an easier life
Their mere existence was a cause for much strife

Mijita, adónde irás para 
conseguirte el manjar-blanco
que tanto te gusta?
Acá puedo disfrutarme de los
alfajores, tan ricos que son,
sin la lata de ponerme a 
cocinarlos jaja. Te acuerdas 
de las horas, yo ahí, parada
junto a la estufa, dándole 
vueltas con la misma cucharra
paraque no se me echara a per-
der el rico sabor de dulce?  
Ahora cuando me los como, 
ni me empalago ni me pongo 
a pensar del labor. Uno tras
otro me los soplo sin peligro
de que se me queden pegados 
en la garganta. Acá no hay 
enfermedades ni sustos o 

Mis padres se han juntao con-
migo, mis hermanos, mis tíos,
mis sobrinos, tu papá, el 
Dickie, la Mimi, y nos reuni-
mos en el Callao, donde tuvimos
una jarana. LeRoy, el amigo de
Carlos nos tocó su acordión, al
estilo peruano. Juan-Julio y 
Pepita bailaron hasta el último 
baile. Cesar, Guillermo, Pablo,
tu papá y yo dimos tantas vuel-
tas y como no hay dolores acá,
tu papá y yo bailamos como 
antes. Casi no nos sentábamos.
Miguel compartió sus recuerdos 
con todos; pero se quedó 
mirándonos y más pegado a mis 
padres que a nadie más. 
A la Rosita todavía le gusta 
un chocolatote envuelto en un 
bolillo; al estilo francés con
una botellita de Cocacola.  
El gatote (Kit-Kit) le sigue 
acompañando a Rosita y anda
tragando sus bocadillos de 
todo que le afloja la Rosita.
Ese gato no para de comer.jajaja 
Mani, como buen caballero, le
ha traído a todas las damas un
perfume fino. Así como lo hacía
en otra época. El coquetón no 
ha cambiado. jajajaja A Rosita
le trajo una prenda de gardenias
y un frasquesito de perfume.
Tu papá me contó del tamal que 
le distes antes de que entrara
aquí en el cielo. "Neuas" dice
tu papá con una sonrisa. Ese 
le cayó como algo tan sabroso. 
Ese tamal era tan rico y los tantos
que le sigue ofreciendo su mamaCar-
lota no le queda ni las ganas de 
meterle a otras comidas. Su mama-
Carlota todavía insiste hacerlos
a mano para él. Entre los tamales
y un atole rico que le hace Sarita,
no le entra más!jajaja Hay, mijita,
acá entre las dos la mamaCarlota y
Sarita nos han hecho unas gorditas
enbarradas de mantequilla y sal.  
Siempre nos hace chorizo frijoles 
recién hechos y tortillas de harina.
Después, con un cafecito, me soplo 
mi huena orejita de azucar
Para el Dickie, la mamaCarlota le
ha hecho un platón de chile colorado.
El Dickie y la Vosh han hablado 
tanto desde que llegó que la Mimi
les sigue esperándo como si nunca
terminarán la plática. Cuando le 
toca a la Mimi hablar, lo mismo 
le ocurre a la Vosh. A Dickie le
gusta la atención y se ha dedicado
a darles la misma atención a todos
los demás que le rodeen.
Hay que cumplir con la comunidad,
mijita. Que te conozcan por los
talentos que Dios mismo te dio y
por la buena voluntad de tu ser.
Cuídate y ten con ten, mijita en

Que Dios te Bendiga!
Tu ma

if you like, I will write it as
though your father were transcribing it through
me from heaven. Your mom wanted to tell you 
something as well; and it's been added at the

Mija, mira, . . . mijita; estoy bien y ando aquí
con tu madre, la Mimi, Ricardito, Cuic, maSarita,
mamaCarlota y tu abuelito (mi padre, Ramón), tu 
tía Ema, la Emmy, Willie, bueno todos estamos 
festejando y todos te mandan saludos. Tu madre 
dice que te manda un besito y te vigila con 
pensamientos durante tu día. Siempre se acuerda 
las pláticas que las dos compartían sobre la cama 
mientras la visitabas o antes cuando yo trabajaba 
tú todavía vivías con nosotros. De vez en 
mijita, acuérdate que te andamos visitando 
guardas las horas pensando, durmiendo y soñando 
nosotros u otra persona que ha llegado aquí en el 
Hace poco, la tush anduvo bailando con Pablo y 
Imagínate, mijita, acá no hay dolores.  
Todo que se me ocurría y olvidaba en la tierra, 
se me
olvida aquí también jejeje; pero reconozco el 
"por qué"
y luego la lógica pegada a la razón me mantiene 
como si
nada de esa forma tuviera importancia.  
Lo que nos preocupaba y nos cayó un poco raro al 
principio, fue el jalón de salir de un país, 
adonde te
habías acostumbrada desde la niñez a uno que 
no habías conocido bien. Pero después, cuando ya 
mostraba más, la energía de tu novio, Tayler, se 
como el sol dando brillo por las nubes, y 
podíamos ver
que es un hombre serio, de carácter fuerte, un 
mozo inglés
de sentimiento profundo; sincero, honesto, con 
responsabilidad cargado en los hombros. Parece 
inteligente e intelectual y se conforma a todas 
costumbres que le andas enseñando jejeje. Le 
la risa tuya, mijita, con tantos dichos de tu 
madre y 
aunque no los entienda todos, los sigue 
practicando como
si fuera un peruano o mexicano ya viviéndolos. 
Bueno, mijita, hasta otro día cuando se nos 
ofrezca más
tiempo, acuérdate que te queremos con todo 
corazón y alma
y esperamos que tus días, meses, años sigan 
siendo de lo 
Un abrazo fuerte, un beso en la frente, un 
brindis para
celebrar tu novio, tu hogar y tu nueva vida en un 
país tan
hermoso y con la persona indicada
~~~~Tu pa y ma~~~~
mijita, la violetera, la coqueta de mi conciencia 
y la voz
que despierta a los ángeles a volar con los 
pajaritos; no 
te quedes muda, mijita; mi abogada. Enséñales a 
todos de 
ese país el nieque de tus sentimientos, tu 
sonrisa vibrante,
tu belleza, tus ojos verdes que dan reflejo con 
el encanto
de un lago misterioso. Demuéstrales tus 
talentos, que tantos
tienes, mijita. No te quedes atrasada.  
Triunfarás como siempre 
lo has hecho, aunque sea en la comunidad o en una 
obra especial.
Tu ma

A palindrome is not a poem
Just a phrase that reads both ways
Recited out loud, it shall not shroud
The clue to what it says
May be sublime, and need not rhyme
But certainly will amaze

Chorizo con huevos y frijoles refritos
Tortillas de harina y al lado, chilitos
Guacamole a buen gusto batido al estilo
Desde la tierra de mi padre, dividido por un río
Repito mis sabores y las comidas tan riquitas
Paraque no se me olviden; o sea, las más esquisita

Surreal thoughts invade my head
Whilst some intrigue me; others are dread
Nostalgic moments of times gone by
Garlands, swags and flowers dried
Season's comforts; Treats and cheers
No real reason to shed these tears
Scents of pine from a Douglas fir
Well-wishes on cards; just a blur
Clothespin deer with painted noses
A pair of gloves that my father had chosen

Dining rare; no time to spare
A subtle glance; not of romance
Half-hearted smile; that takes a while
Hours to spend; on line with friends
Shared love that grows; yet no one knows
Stored endless facts; sowed, reaped and tracked
Times well-remembered; not surrendered
Logged in the past; may they forever last

Colourful shores with ebbing tides
Bird silhouettes and other sights
Beckoning sounds spark pensive thoughts
Moments to meditate; always sought
Warm sand comforting every stride
Whilst reflections of my past stream by
Slly lines with friends were shared
Invitations to parties; stop; beware
Songs were sung to the latest tunes
Popular ones; not the blues
Refined ladies with their gents
A book-pressed rose that kept its scent

Loose ties left dangling amidst a gust of wind
Stored memories that cause one's face to grin
In every stride, a lasting pride; an intensive myriad
Of moments shared; together cared, the good times with the bad
Insert a phrase that lifts the haze to discover what's at hand
Beneath the moon, two souls in tune, living out God's great plan
The breadth of hues, a pallet's fuse sparking colour to a face that's sad
No need to flee; just frolic free, leaping round lilypads

Pitter-patter; cloudbursts of rain poured down
Beating heavily on rooftops and all around
Animals sought shelter in an attempt to flee its path
As humans looked from their windows to witness this wrath
The dark skies prevailed throughout the night
Giving way to beautiful dark blue hues at morning's light
Bemused by the cold seen through frosty panes of glass
Shall not dampen the spirits of our gossip-geriatric class

Birthday Wishes
Bright coloured ribbons tied to balloons that you hold
To welcome your birthday; a day to behold
Well wishes by friends given to you with delight
A house filled with joy and tunes sung til midnight
Feelings of warmth and kind thoughts done with care
For every great moment in life that's been shared

Rimu Slats
Sideboards filled with leaded windows
Tiles removed so that Rimu slats show
This old wood of dense grain lasts
Through years abused just like its past
Rework the wood with wool of steel
The finish holds varnished appeal


Barks peeled back from oaks and birch
Line paths where trees still thirst
Beyond chirps and droning sounds
These old relics stand their ground
Those that happen upon these trails 
Are consumed by the serenity that prevails
And as the twilight of their years approach
New life embarks beside these ghosts

Well-dressed Gents
Stylish threads woven in wool
Lasting a decade, perhaps even two
Coats with a waistcoat; pinstriped in vogue fashion
Donned by gents with shoes made to match them 
Trousers with creases and braces of leather
A starched French-cuffed shirt brings it together

Screaming Clowns
  Prevailing blends of so-called friends and relatives in a distant land
  Seldom verbal or written words declaring where they stand
  Engaged in righteous preaching for those who care to hear
  The screaming sounds of all those clowns have finally disappeared
  At long last, it's in the past, distrust in deeds and actions
  The savoire-faire to breathe fresh air, for me, a nice distraction 

De Raíces
Montados por caballo de Lima al Cayao
Donde los raíces Prietto había comenzao
Eran nueve hijos; además mamá y papá
En un ambiente fresco por las lomas y el mar
Sabores del ceviche y los alfajores manjar-blanco
Esquisitas, las comidas; para hacerlas, . . .un trabajo
Las costumbres de cultura y canciones del amor
Bailadas en jarana con una caja de tambor

Los Prietto
Geneología de Prietto; los descendientes lograr
Desde los lagos y ríos hasta las orillas del mar
Principios de reyes del Inca peruano
Nobleza graciosa e ideología al grano 
Los que consiguieron el oro; según los esfuerzos
Conocerieron los demás repartiendo refrescos
Una familia llena de profesionales
Médicos, dentistas y una bailarina muy sociable
Periodistas, abogados, escritores y artistas
Dominados por la madre; la misma, Josefita

Early Life
Fossilized crustacians on shells that date back
To a time when some creatures in the sea would attack
Mortality issues had not yet been construed
Thus, man in his element would triumph or lose
When hunger warranted a strong signal or mood
His skills and technique were used to hunt food
Shells found on sea shores were made to good use
As a soup bowl or cup and from many to choose
Determined to search for an easier life
Their mere existence was a cause for much strife


I dreamed of your parents and grandmother, Sarita last night. Quite vividly!!! In fact, you and I and your parents drove in an older model car; circa early 60's. Then we walked. You walked in another direction when we arrived in the vicinity of your grandmother's neighborhood, which was not the Oak Street neighborhood she really lived. Your parents were pulling a little red wagon full of goodies and flowers. When we arrived at Sarita's, she put her feet over my shoes and we danced a quick waltz. I sang a song in Spanish in the style of a Mariachi ballad. In the dream, my contacts were acting up and your mother helped me with the lyrics so I could continue the song. Your father left the room as we entered; but his presence was felt nonetheless.. Sarita's exhbuberance was overwhelming. I guess that means everyone is enjoying heaven.

La Vida sin Nuestros Padres
Sin el dicho y el hecho; ¿qué nos dá más provecho?
Lo mismo dicen del cuervo que por poco observo
Come más por la vista que sentado en el techo

El cabo y la duda lo ruega la tortuga
Sin las reglas y destino; no habrá ningún camino
Que se quede a lo lejos por la misma locura

No hay fin en la vida; lo que se mira son reflejos
Por los muros y las aguas que nos dan un refresco
Las sonrisas siempre duran y se asombran por espejos

Death of Both Parents
La muerte de ambos padres no significa un fin; sino la oportunidad
de conocerse a sí mismo. Norma tendrá menos obligaciones y más
tiempo para conocerse a sí misma y podrá establecer una relación
que sea como ella quiera con Landon que antes no era posible.

Las Vías de la Vida
De venida y de vuelta; consecuencias de labor
Lograr tales momentos sin desgracia ni rencor
Encontrando las razones y respuestas del ¿por qué?
Confundido por los hechos, cuando ya no hay ni fé

Reaccionando por disculpas y palabras de traición
La venganza siempre daña donde no hubo amor
Contemplar los efectos de conciencia y convicción
Escuchar a la persona con piedad y compasión

Conociendo las intenciones y de eso resolver
Lo que lleva uno dentro de su alma, . . . entender
Iniciar un resultado que ambos podrán vivir
De un amor que valga; no hay por que sufrir

Las vías de la vida son eligidas por cada quien
Estrechas, amplias o curvadas y otras ni se ven
Todo que hacemos desde este día con valor
Llevará un resultado aumentado con amor.

Basic Belief
> Belaboured, beguiled, berefted being
> Brusque, blaring burst; brays beckoning
> Broad, bright big beacon; befitting beam
> Blissful, benevolent, beauty; bubbling

Enriched Life
Embrace life in all its subtleties; without causing guilt or pain
Enjoy the palette of colourful scenery; with it, each day, sustained
Eschew the few who dwell on doubt exhibiting bitterness or ire
Endeavour to reap the blessings from those instead who are inspired
Evidence the elegance of your existence through patience and composure
Earnest deeds, through profound needs, succeed with much exposure
Elicit friends who've proven their best to all whom you admire
Earn their trust, indeed you'll be just in all that is desired
Exchange those things, which cannot bring a fallout or misgiving
Enter in, knowing when; then, say, all is forgiven.
Express your thoughts, from all that is sought through minutes and late hours
Entranced until, your inner will, relaxes with some flowers

Resolution Resented
Resolution, revolution, riled reactions ripple
Rampant rumors; rowdy ranting; restless, reckless reason
Regimented rudiments; redundant rhythmic riddles
Roaring, rumbling; rudely regarded; rambling remote region

Mijita, tu persona sigue desarrollándose. Tú, misma, buscarás la manera más 
adecuada para invocar e iniciar la profundidad a cada paso de tu existencia.
Poco a poco irás conociendo tus límites; pero tómalo todo con la misma filosofía
que siempre te he mostrado y que la sigas con toda la paciencia que te enseñó tu
mami. "Ten con ten" Acuérdate de tu mami no sola lo decía; pero lo practicaba
como ella 

in memory of SPOT, one GREAT CAT 1987-2003,
a quiet and loving friend
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